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Nepřihlášený uživatel
15/Mar/2025 - 15/Mar/2025InvitationHolešovice Chess TournamentJankovcova 23, Praha 7
15/Mar/2025 - 15/Mar/20251:00 - 23:50Organisation of the Academic YearRakousko, AKTION – pobyty v zimním semestru 2025/2026
17/Mar/2025 - 17/Mar/202514:00 - 15:30WorkshopRozvojová skupina pro studenty s ADHDUhelna
17/Mar/2025 - 17/Mar/202517:00 - 18:30Academic CommunityPraktický návod na komunikaci vědy: Jak začít a vydržetLecture room BI
18/Mar/2025 - 18/Mar/20259:00 - 10:00Student's Events13th round of Women´s University floorball league SK VŠCHT Praha vs. TULLiberec
18/Mar/2025 - 18/Mar/202510:00 - 17:00ConsultationPhD Open OfficeB3306
18/Mar/2025 - 18/Mar/202510:15 - 11:15Student's Events14th round of Women´s University floorball league UJEP vs. SK VŠCHT PrahaLiberec
18/Mar/2025 - 18/Mar/202517:00 - 20:00LectureUmělá inteligence ve vývoji léčiv: Nahradíme někdy vědce roboty?
18/Mar/2025 - 18/Mar/202521:00 - 22:30Student's EventsRound 2 of the University Futsal League SK VŠCHT Praha vs ČVUT Sportovní centrum ČVUT, Pod Juliskou 1805/4, Praha 6 Dejvice
19/Mar/2025 - 19/Mar/202515:00 - 17:00WorkshopSelf-awareness as a basis for career and authentic self-presentationHolešovice, 1B
19/Mar/2025 - 19/Mar/202519:00 - 20:30CourseToastmasters MeetingVŠCHT Building B - B06
19/Mar/2025 - 19/Mar/202520:00 - 23:00Student's EventsCulture evening ESN UCT PragueEl Mágico
19/Mar/2025 - 19/Mar/202520:15 - 21:45Student's EventsMatch of the Faculty Hockey League: SK Chemie vs. MOTOL PelicansWinter stadium Eden
24/Mar/2025 - 24/Mar/202514:00 - 15:30WorkshopEmoční resilience: Laskavost a soucit k soběUhelna
24/Mar/2025 - 24/Mar/202517:00 - 18:30InvitationScience has been sexy and we know it!Lecture room BI
25/Mar/2025 - 25/Mar/202514:00 - 18:00Academic CommunityZasedání akademického senátu VŠCHT Prahazasedací místnost rektora
25/Mar/2025 - 25/Mar/202515:30 - 17:00CareerPracovní příležitosti v klinickém výzkumu léčiv a zdravotnických prostředkůUhelna
26/Mar/2025 - 26/Mar/20251:00 - 23:50Organisation of the Academic YearNěmecko, BTHA – letní školy a jazykové kurzy v Bavorsku
26/Mar/2025 - 26/Mar/202515:00 - 17:00WorkshopJak vést (nejen) studentský spolek?Historická knihovna
26/Mar/2025 - 26/Mar/202517:00 - 22:00InvitationPOTLACHUhelna
26/Mar/2025 - 26/Mar/202517:00 - 19:30WorkshopZáklady grafikyA335
26/Mar/2025 - 26/Mar/202519:00 - 20:30CourseToastmasters MeetingVŠCHT Building B - B06
27/Mar/2025 - 31/Mar/2025Sport and CultureItálie 2.
27/Mar/2025 - 27/Mar/20259:00 - 12:00Academic Community3. zasedání Vědecké rady VŠCHT Praharector meeting room, building A
27/Mar/2025 - 27/Mar/202514:00 - 15:00WorkshopNácvik relaxačních technikHolešovice, 4B
27/Mar/2025 - 27/Mar/202516:00 - 18:00WorkshopStres, workoholismus a syndrom vyhořeníUhelna
27/Mar/2025 - 27/Mar/202516:30 - 17:30Student's Events3rd round of Men´s faculty floorball league SK VŠCHT Praha vs. UK FSVSportovní hala ČVUT Pod Juliskou, Pod Juliskou 1805/4, 16000 Praha 6 - Dejvice
27/Mar/2025 - 27/Mar/202517:30 - 19:30Student's EventsLET'S CONNECT (Bachelor and Master)Kantor Coffee in the Faculty of Civil Engineering building (Thákurova 2077/7)
28/Mar/2025 - 28/Mar/202514:30 - 15:30LectureMulti-scale modeling of colloidal microreactorsB2319
29/Mar/2025 - 29/Mar/202513:00 - 16:00Student's EventsDorms surroundings cleanupSázava dormitory (Chemická 952, 148 00 Praha-Kunratice)
31/Mar/2025 - 31/Mar/202514:00 - 15:30WorkshopRozvojová skupina pro studenty s ADHDUhelna
31/Mar/2025 - 31/Mar/202520:30 - 22:00Student's Events4thd round of Men´s Faculty floorball league SK Chemie vs. UK 2. LFUnihoc Arena Kotlářka, Zengrova 1741
1/Apr/2025 - 1/Apr/202513:30 - 14:30WorkshopNácvik relaxačních technikUhelna
1/Apr/2025 - 1/Apr/202516:00 - 18:00CareerVyužití energetického potenciálu v ORLEN Unipetrol
1/Apr/2025 - 1/Apr/202517:00 - 20:00Lecture Antibiotická rezistence aneb Darwinova evoluce v praxi
1/Apr/2025 - 1/Apr/202517:00 - 18:00CareerInformation webinar for students wishing to do a PhD in France
2/Apr/2025 - 2/Apr/20258:30 - 16:30Student's EventsAdamantan Cup 2025: UCT Prague Ice Hockey Tournament - Day 1Winter stadium Hvězda
2/Apr/2025 - 2/Apr/20259:00 - 10:00Student's Events15th round of Women´s University floorball league SK VŠCHT Praha vs. UK PlzeňTJ Lokomotiva Plzeň
2/Apr/2025 - 2/Apr/202511:30 - 12:30Student's Events16th round of Women´s University floorball league ZČU vs. SK VŠCHT PrahaTJ Lokomotiva Plzeň
2/Apr/2025 - 2/Apr/202514:00 - 15:00Academic CommunityZasedání AS FTOPB116
2/Apr/2025 - 2/Apr/202516:00 - 17:30CareerJak využít veletrh pracovních příležitostí Chem-ik na maximum?Uhelna
2/Apr/2025 - 2/Apr/202519:00 - 20:30CourseToastmasters MeetingVŠCHT Building B - B06
2/Apr/2025 - 2/Apr/202520:00 - 23:00Student's EventsCulture evening ESN UCT PragueEl Mágico
3/Apr/2025 - 3/Apr/202516:00 - 18:00WorkshopSociální sítěUhelna
3/Apr/2025 - 3/Apr/202517:30 - 21:00Student's EventsAdamantan Cup 2025: UCT Prague Ice Hockey Tournament - Day 2Winter stadium Hvězda
3/Apr/2025 - 3/Apr/202519:00 - 21:00Student's EventsRound 3 of the University Futsal League UK vs UCTJosé Martího 269/31, 162 00 Prague
4/Apr/2025 - 4/Apr/202513:00 - 15:00Academic CommunityKlub pedagogů: Jak využívat nová média ve výuce?Room B2319
4/Apr/2025 - 4/Apr/202519:00 - 20:30Student's EventsLatin Dance ClassEl Mágico
7/Apr/2025 - 7/Apr/202514:00 - 15:30WorkshopEmoční resilience: Komunikace v emocíchUhelna
7/Apr/2025 - 7/Apr/202516:00 - 17:30WorkshopTime & study management: Jak ze studia neztratit hlavu? B32
7/Apr/2025 - 7/Apr/202518:00 - 22:00Student's EventsMovie screening of Pár PařmenůUhelna
7/Apr/2025 - 7/Apr/202518:30 - 22:00Student's EventsUniBand Contest 2025 / SEMIFINALSKlubovna Generála Píky 430/26, 160 00 Praha, Česko
9/Apr/2025 - 9/Apr/202516:00 - 17:30WorkshopCV a motivační dopis, které vás dostanou na pohovorUhelna
9/Apr/2025 - 9/Apr/202519:00 - 20:30CourseToastmasters MeetingVŠCHT Building B - B06
10/Apr/2025 - 10/Apr/202513:30 - 17:00WorkshopPrezentační dovednostiUhelna
11/Apr/2025 - 11/Apr/202512:45 - 16:00Student's EventsLong-term Residence Permit and Visa WorkshopUhelna
11/Apr/2025 - 11/Apr/202514:30 - 15:30LectureData-driven modelling of intrinsically disordered proteinsB2319
12/Apr/2025 - 12/Apr/202510:00 - 14:00SeminarAdaptation-Integration Course for International students at UCT PragueB2319
15/Apr/2025 - 15/Apr/202513:30 - 14:30WorkshopNácvik relaxačních technikUhelna
15/Apr/2025 - 15/Apr/202517:00 - 20:00LectureBudiž světlo – chemie s fotony
15/Apr/2025 - 15/Apr/202517:30 - 19:30WorkshopPropojme se - speed dating eventKantor Coffee
16/Apr/2025 - 16/Apr/202519:00 - 20:30CourseToastmasters MeetingVŠCHT Building B - B06
16/Apr/2025 - 16/Apr/202520:00 - 23:00Student's EventsCulture evening ESN UCT PragueEl Mágico
23/Apr/2025 - 23/Apr/202516:00 - 17:30WorkshopBezpečné potraviny v EU: Co všechno je nutné ohlídat, než se dostanou na talíř?B26
23/Apr/2025 - 23/Apr/202519:00 - 20:30CourseToastmasters MeetingVŠCHT Building B - B06
24/Apr/2025 - 24/Apr/202513:30 - 17:00WorkshopPresentation skillsUhelna
24/Apr/2025 - 24/Apr/202514:00 - 15:30WorkshopEmoční resilience: Zdravé hraniceHistorická knihovna
25/Apr/2025 - 25/Apr/202514:30 - 15:30LectureRapid flipping between electrolyte and metallic states in ammonia solutions of alkali metalsB.4.29 (4th floor of the building B "Květák" of IOCB
25/Apr/2025 - 25/Apr/202514:45 - 17:30InvitationGuided Tour of the Historical Sites on Bílá Hora / White Mountain, Prague 6sraz v 14:45 před budovou B nebo ve15:20 na konečné tramvaje 22 nebo 25 na Bílé hoře.
26/Apr/2025 - 27/Apr/2025Student's EventsLesamaj Dejvice Campus
28/Apr/2025 - 28/Apr/202516:00 - 18:00Student's EventsRound 5 of the University Futsal League UCT vs JU ČBPod Juliskou 4, Prague 6, 160 00 Prague
29/Apr/2025 - 30/Apr/202516:00 - 22:00Student's EventsJižák LIVE! 2025Dormitories in Jižní Město
29/Apr/2025 - 29/Apr/202517:00 - 20:00LectureOd opalovacích krémů po PFAS: Jak mikropolutanty ovlivňují přírodu
30/Apr/2025 - 30/Apr/202513:30 - 14:30WorkshopNácvik relaxačních technikUhelna
30/Apr/2025 - 30/Apr/202517:00 - 22:00InvitationPOTLACHUhelna
30/Apr/2025 - 30/Apr/202519:00 - 20:30CourseToastmasters MeetingVŠCHT Building B - B06
7/May/2025 - 7/May/202519:00 - 20:30CourseToastmasters MeetingVŠCHT Building B - B06
14/May/2025 - 14/May/202519:00 - 20:30CourseToastmasters MeetingVŠCHT Building B - B06
15/May/2025 - 15/May/202517:00 - 19:00Student's EventsUNIQORN: On the origin of asymmetries in our bodiesB06
16/May/2025 - 16/May/2025Organisation of the Academic YearEnd of classes in summer semester
19/May/2025 - 19/May/2025Organisation of the Academic YearStart of 1st part of summer assessment period
19/May/2025 - 19/May/202510:00 - 13:00InvitationZasedání VR FCHTzasedací místnost B2319
21/May/2025 - 21/May/202519:00 - 20:30CourseToastmasters MeetingVŠCHT Building B - B06
23/May/2025 - 23/May/202514:30 - 15:30LectureAlphafoldology: How to live in the world with model structure for every proteinB.4.29 (4th floor of the building B "Květák" of IOCB
24/May/2025 - 24/May/202511:00 - 13:00CareerInternational College FairVŠE, W. Churchill Sq. 1938/4, Prague, Czech Republic
28/May/2025 - 28/May/202517:00 - 22:00InvitationPOTLACHUhelna
28/May/2025 - 28/May/202519:00 - 20:30CourseToastmasters MeetingVŠCHT Building B - B06

The activities at the Department of Analytical Chemistry are very wide, including studies from molecules in the gas phase to sophisticated analyses of complex biosystems. In research projects, not only high-end chromatographic (GC-, LC-MS), electrochemical and spectroscopic (UV-VIS, IR, CD, ROA, NMR) techniques are used but also original optical and electrochemical sensors or unique spectroscopic systems in microwave to terahertz regions, which are able to distinguish even the hyperfine effects caused by nuclear spins, are used to solve complicated problems. These include development of new diagnostic methods for serious and degenerative diseases (cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, etc.), development of new techniques for forensic science (offender profile by odor trace, digitization of odor signatures, drug profiling, drug counterfeiting analysis, etc.), stability analysis and dosage forms of pharmaceuticals, identifying new free radicals and molecular fragments for astrophysical research or developing and validating new methods of analyzing specific samples.

The scope of activities of individual groups is determined by particularly solved grant projects, but also by students' interest in obtaining a professional qualification. When solving projects, there is cooperation not only with foreign and domestic institutions but also among themselves, therefore some of the employees of the Department are listed in more working groups.

In addition to teaching staff and researchers, they are per se considered to be individual groups of doctors who have a significant proportion of participants in the scientific performance of the Department of Analytical Chemistry. Specific topics of their doctoral theses are listed in the SIS and are listed in the list of doctoral students on our website.

Updated: 22.11.2023 15:12, Author : Vojtěch Borek

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Information provided by the Department of International Relations and the Department of R&D. Technical support by the Computing Centre.
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