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Nepřihlášený uživatel
9/Oct/2024 - 11/Nov/2024CompetitionMiroslav Vlček Scholarship Call is now open! Supporting UCT Prague's international student who
7/Nov/2024 - 7/Nov/202417:00 - 18:00Sport and CultureYoga in UhelnaUhelna
7/Nov/2024 - 7/Nov/202417:00 - 19:00WorkshopSTRES A JEHO ZVLÁDÁNÍB21
9/Nov/2024 - 9/Nov/2024Student's EventsThe First International Doctoral Conference on Advances in Chemistry (IDCAC 2024)UCT Prague (Dejvice campusú
11/Nov/2024 - 11/Nov/20248:00 - 11:30CourseCommunication in challenging situationsMístnost č. B2319
11/Nov/2024 - 11/Nov/202414:00 - 16:00WorkshopEmoční resilience: Laskavost a soucit k soběUhelna
11/Nov/2024 - 11/Nov/202416:00 - 18:00Student's EventsMobility DayUhelna
11/Nov/2024 - 11/Nov/202417:00 - 20:00PopularizationUNIQORN: Rozhovory molekulLecture hall AI, building A
11/Nov/2024 - 11/Nov/202418:15 - 19:30Student's EventsHockey match SK Chemie vs. HC PřírodovědaIce Arena Kateřinky
12/Nov/2024 - 12/Nov/20249:00 - 17:00ConsultationCareer coaching, career consultationCounselling and Career Centre - ZB1-414b
12/Nov/2024 - 12/Nov/202414:00 - 15:00WorkshopNácvik relaxačních technik  Uhelna
12/Nov/2024 - 12/Nov/202416:00 - 17:30Workshop Řízení osobních financíUhelna
12/Nov/2024 - 12/Nov/202417:00 - 18:30LectureHow sustainable are electric vehicles: BASF Battery MaterialsLecture room BIII
12/Nov/2024 - 12/Nov/202417:00 - 19:00Academic CommunityNobel prize lecture 2024BII
13/Nov/2024 - 13/Nov/202410:00 - 11:30WorkshopCitování v závěrečných pracích
14/Nov/2024 - 14/Nov/202413:30 - 15:00WorkshopJak „prodat“ svou SVKUhelna
14/Nov/2024 - 14/Nov/202417:00 - 18:00Sport and CultureYoga in UhelnaUhelna
15/Nov/2024 - 15/Nov/20249:30 - 15:30SeminarQuantum Computing Workshop and Seminar ÚOCHB
15/Nov/2024 - 15/Nov/202413:15 - 15:30WorkshopEssential IT Tools workshop for International students at UCT Prague!B1-346
18/Nov/2024 - 18/Nov/202414:00 - 16:00WorkshopEmoční resilience: Všímavost a emoceUhelna
18/Nov/2024 - 18/Nov/202415:00 - 19:00WorkshopDesková hra Finanční svobodaHistorická knihovna
18/Nov/2024 - 18/Nov/202416:00 - 18:00Student's Eventszkus.toUhelna
18/Nov/2024 - 18/Nov/202419:00 - 20:30Student's Events3rd round of Prague University Volleyball LeagueZŠ U Krčského lesa
19/Nov/2024 - 19/Nov/202414:00 - 18:00Academic CommunityZasedání Akademického senátu VŠCHTzasedací místnost rektora
19/Nov/2024 - 19/Nov/202416:00 - 18:00WorkshopSurvival kit: Jak přežít zkouškové?AII
19/Nov/2024 - 19/Nov/202417:00 - 19:00Academic CommunityNobel prize lecture 2024BII
19/Nov/2024 - 19/Nov/202421:15 - 21:15Student's EventsMatch of the Faculty Hockey League: SK Chemie vs. HC TrimedSPM Arena
20/Nov/2024 - 20/Nov/202415:00 - 16:00Academic CommunityZasedání AS FTOPB116
21/Nov/2024 - 21/Nov/20249:00 - 17:00ConsultationCareer coaching, career consultationCounselling and Career Centre - ZB1-414b
21/Nov/2024 - 21/Nov/202414:00 - 15:00WorkshopNácvik relaxačních technik  Uhelna
21/Nov/2024 - 21/Nov/202415:30 - 16:30Organisation of the Academic YearErasmus letní semestr - předodjezová informační schůzkaUhelna
21/Nov/2024 - 21/Nov/202417:00 - 18:00Sport and CultureYoga in UhelnaUhelna
21/Nov/2024 - 21/Nov/202418:00 - 20:00Student's Events3rd round of Men University basketball league UCT Prague vs. University of South BohemiaKrálovka arena, Nad Královskou oborou 1080/51, Prague 7 Bubeneč
25/Nov/2024 - 25/Nov/202414:00 - 16:00WorkshopEmoční resilience: Komunikace v emocíchUhelna
25/Nov/2024 - 25/Nov/202416:00 - 18:00Student's EventsCV & cover letterUhelna
25/Nov/2024 - 25/Nov/202420:30 - 22:00Student's Events5th round of Men´s Faculty floorball league SK Chemie vs. VŠE NárodohospodářskáUnihoc Arena Kotlářka, Znegrova 1741
26/Nov/2024 - 26/Nov/20249:00 - 11:00Academic CommunityProjekty vědy a výzkumu v prostředí dotačních titulůMístnost č. B2319
26/Nov/2024 - 26/Nov/202411:00 - 13:00EducationWebinář pro žadatele o stipendium Barrande
26/Nov/2024 - 26/Nov/202414:00 - 15:00WorkshopNácvik relaxačních technikUhelna
26/Nov/2024 - 26/Nov/202417:00 - 20:00PopularizationDigitální revoluce ve vodohospodářství: Jak AI a digitální dvojčata pomáhají při dodávce a čištění vBII
26/Nov/2024 - 26/Nov/202417:00 - 19:00Academic CommunityNobel prize lecture 2024BII
27/Nov/2024 - 27/Nov/202410:00 - 11:00Academic CommunityInvited lecture "Something has to give - Computation with biological agents“Uhelna
27/Nov/2024 - 27/Nov/202413:00 - 17:00SeminarSeminar for PhDs: Master Your First Project Proposal (IGA)B2319
27/Nov/2024 - 27/Nov/202416:00 - 17:30Student's Events4th round of Prague University Volleyball LeagueSCUK
27/Nov/2024 - 27/Nov/202417:00 - 22:00InvitationPOTLACHUhelna
28/Nov/2024 - 28/Nov/2024Organisation of the Academic YearStudents' Scientific Conference
28/Nov/2024 - 28/Nov/20248:00 - 11:30CourseCommunication in challenging situationsauditorium B35
28/Nov/2024 - 28/Nov/202417:00 - 18:00Sport and CultureYoga in UhelnaUhelna
29/Nov/2024 - 29/Nov/2024InvitationOpen Days at UCT Prague – School of Business (classes cancelled)Jankovcova 23, Praha 7 Holešovice
29/Nov/2024 - 29/Nov/2024Organisation of the Academic YearOpen Days at UCT Prague (classes cancelled)Campus Dejvice
30/Nov/2024 - 30/Nov/2024InvitationOpen Days at UCT PragueCampus Dejvice
2/Dec/2024 - 2/Dec/202414:00 - 16:00WorkshopEmoční resilience: Zdravé hraniceUhelna
3/Dec/2024 - 3/Dec/202412:00 - 15:30CourseCommunication in challenging situationsMístnost č. B2319
3/Dec/2024 - 3/Dec/202417:00 - 19:00Academic CommunityNobel prize lecture 2024BII
3/Dec/2024 - 3/Dec/202417:00 - 19:00Student's EventsSoonToBeBc vol.1
3/Dec/2024 - 3/Dec/202418:00 - 19:30Student's Events5th round of Prague University Volleyball LeagueSCUK
3/Dec/2024 - 3/Dec/202419:30 - 21:00Student's EventsMatch of the Faculty Hockey League: SK Chemie vs. BachelorsSPM Arena
3/Dec/2024 - 3/Dec/202420:45 - 22:15Student's EventsMatch of the Faculty Hockey League: SK Chemie vs. HC PrirodovedaSPM Arena
4/Dec/2024 - 4/Dec/20248:00 - 15:00WorkshopPedagogický kurz pro začínající učiteleUhelna
4/Dec/2024 - 4/Dec/20249:00 - 17:00ConsultationCareer coaching, career consultationHolešovice 1K3
4/Dec/2024 - 4/Dec/202414:00 - 17:30CourseCommunication in challenging situationsZasedací místnost č. A181 - rektorát
5/Dec/2024 - 5/Dec/20249:00 - 17:00ConsultationCareer coaching, career consultationCounselling and Career Centre - ZB1-414b
5/Dec/2024 - 5/Dec/202414:00 - 15:00WorkshopNácvik relaxačních technikUhelna
5/Dec/2024 - 5/Dec/202417:00 - 18:00Sport and CultureYoga in UhelnaUhelna
10/Dec/2024 - 10/Dec/20249:15 - 10:15Student's EventsEleventh round of Women´s University floorball league SK VŠCHT Praha vs. ČZUSH Jedenáctka, Mírového hnutí 3, Praha 4 - Chodov
10/Dec/2024 - 10/Dec/202413:15 - 14:15Student's EventsTwelfth round of Women´s University floorball league UK vs. SK VŠCHT PrahaSH Jedenáctka, Mírového hnutí 3, Praha 4 - Chodov
10/Dec/2024 - 10/Dec/202417:00 - 20:00PopularizationJe vše „přírodní“ doopravdy zdravé?BII
10/Dec/2024 - 10/Dec/202417:00 - 19:00Academic CommunityNobel prize lecture 2024BII
10/Dec/2024 - 10/Dec/202417:00 - 18:30WorkshopTime & study management: Zkouškové - plánování, tipy a trikyB32
11/Dec/2024 - 11/Dec/202413:30 - 14:30WorkshopNácvik relaxačních technikUhelna
12/Dec/2024 - 12/Dec/202417:00 - 18:00Sport and CultureYoga in UhelnaUhelna
16/Dec/2024 - 16/Dec/202414:00 - 16:00WorkshopEmoční resilience: Emoce v krizové situaciUhelna
16/Dec/2024 - 16/Dec/202419:00 - 21:00Sport and CultureAdvent concertBethlehem Chapel
17/Dec/2024 - 17/Dec/20249:00 - 17:00ConsultationCareer coaching, career consultationCounselling and Career Centre - ZB1-414b
17/Dec/2024 - 17/Dec/202417:00 - 19:00Academic CommunityNobel prize lecture 2024BII
17/Dec/2024 - 17/Dec/202419:30 - 21:00Student's EventsMatch of the Faculty Hockey League: SK Chemie vs. TITANS PragueSPM Arena
18/Dec/2024 - 18/Dec/202413:30 - 14:30WorkshopNácvik relaxačních technikUhelna
18/Dec/2024 - 18/Dec/202417:00 - 22:00InvitationPOTLACHUhelna
18/Dec/2024 - 19/Dec/202421:00 - 4:00Student's EventsChristmas chemical party 2024El Mágico
19/Dec/2024 - 19/Dec/202417:00 - 18:00Sport and CultureYoga in UhelnaUhelna
20/Dec/2024 - 20/Dec/2024Organisation of the Academic YearLast day of classes in winter semester
24/Dec/2024 - 24/Dec/202417:00 - 19:00Academic CommunityNobel prize lecture 2024BII
26/Dec/2024 - 26/Dec/202417:00 - 18:00Sport and CultureYoga in UhelnaUhelna
31/Dec/2024 - 31/Dec/202417:00 - 19:00Academic CommunityNobel prize lecture 2024BII
2/Jan/2025 - 2/Jan/2025Organisation of the Academic YearStart of winter assessment period
2/Jan/2025 - 2/Jan/202517:00 - 18:00Sport and CultureYoga in UhelnaUhelna
7/Jan/2025 - 7/Jan/202517:00 - 19:00Academic CommunityNobel prize lecture 2024BII
9/Jan/2025 - 9/Jan/202517:00 - 18:00Sport and CultureYoga in UhelnaUhelna
14/Jan/2025 - 14/Jan/202517:00 - 19:00Academic CommunityNobel prize lecture 2024BII
15/Jan/2025 - 15/Jan/202515:00 - 18:00SeminarKurz Leadership: Úspěšným lídrem krok za krokemB2319
16/Jan/2025 - 16/Jan/202517:00 - 18:00Sport and CultureYoga in UhelnaUhelna
21/Jan/2025 - 21/Jan/202517:00 - 19:00Academic CommunityNobel prize lecture 2024BII

The activities at the Department of Analytical Chemistry are very wide, including studies from molecules in the gas phase to sophisticated analyses of complex biosystems. In research projects, not only high-end chromatographic (GC-, LC-MS), electrochemical and spectroscopic (UV-VIS, IR, CD, ROA, NMR) techniques are used but also original optical and electrochemical sensors or unique spectroscopic systems in microwave to terahertz regions, which are able to distinguish even the hyperfine effects caused by nuclear spins, are used to solve complicated problems. These include development of new diagnostic methods for serious and degenerative diseases (cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, etc.), development of new techniques for forensic science (offender profile by odor trace, digitization of odor signatures, drug profiling, drug counterfeiting analysis, etc.), stability analysis and dosage forms of pharmaceuticals, identifying new free radicals and molecular fragments for astrophysical research or developing and validating new methods of analyzing specific samples.

The scope of activities of individual groups is determined by particularly solved grant projects, but also by students' interest in obtaining a professional qualification. When solving projects, there is cooperation not only with foreign and domestic institutions but also among themselves, therefore some of the employees of the Department are listed in more working groups.

In addition to teaching staff and researchers, they are per se considered to be individual groups of doctors who have a significant proportion of participants in the scientific performance of the Department of Analytical Chemistry. Specific topics of their doctoral theses are listed in the SIS and are listed in the list of doctoral students on our website.

Updated: 22.11.2023 15:12, Author : Vojtěch Borek

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Information provided by the Department of International Relations and the Department of R&D. Technical support by the Computing Centre.
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