Analytical chemistry is a multidisciplinary field using knowledge from the different fields of chemistry and physics to determine the atomic and molecular composition of samples, the structure and conformation of molecules, intermolecular interactions and morphology in the condensed phase, or to analyze the quantitative representation of atoms and molecules in a sample. It is based mainly on the knowledge of physical chemistry, chemical physics, and electrochemistry, but also on the results of mathematical statistics, quantum mechanics, quantum chemistry, biochemistry, organic and inorganic chemistry and in recent decades also knowledge in electronics, computer technology and signal processing.
Methods of chemical analysis have extensive applications. It is not just chemistry itself, analytical chemistry finds vital applications in medicine in diagnostic methods, in pharmacy, in forensic sciences, in environmental studies, in the food industry, in the cosmetics industry, in the material sciences, in physiology, in the military, in meteorology, space research, automotive, metallurgy, energy, and many other fields.
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